Beyond Hope

June 14, 2020


Come, Now is the Time to Worship

Welcome by Ellen Dahlke

Caroline Helton reads Psalm 100

I Will Enter His Gates

Be Thou My Vision

The Sabas Family reads Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-7

It Would Have Been Enough

François Grobler reads Romans 5:1-8

Teaching: “Beyond Hope” (Pastor Renée)

Intercessory Prayer and Communion (Jim Linder, “I Walk in Peace” on the Native American Flute)


Bridge Over Troubled Waters (Gladys Hunt)

Let Justice Roll

Anja, Joe, and Luca give the Benediction: IMG_5583

Instruments of Your Peace

Vocalists: Laurie Kaufmann, Kennis Freedman, Suzanne d’Andria, Katie Courter, Mark Foley, Brian Mustain, Michael Linder, Jeff Trask.  Instrumentalists: Mark Foley, guitar; Jim Linder, keyboards & wind controller; Michael Linder, drums & bass. Mixer and producer: Michael Linder

Tithes and Offerings: 124 W. White St, Champaign, IL 61820 or via PayPal (fees slightly reduce tax-deductible donation)

Special gifts toward installation of solar panels on NCF roof in 2020, mark with memo: SOLAR,