Our Children, Our Neighbors

September 6, 2020


I Will Celebrate

Welcome- Pastor Renée

Psalm 149 (Karen Hogenboom)

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Exodus XV

Romans 13:8-14 (Nathan Welsh)

How Can I Keep From Singing

Intercessory Prayer (Walt Kelly)

For the Beauty of the Earth

Our Children” – Pastor Renée

Exodus 11:1-8 (Jubal and Laura)

Our Neighbors“- Pastor Renée

Freely, Freely

Let Justice Roll

Freedom is Coming

Benediction (Barbara Linder)

Goodness is Stronger than Evil

Tithes and Offerings: 124 W. White St, Champaign, IL 61820 or via PayPal (fees slightly reduce tax-deductible donation).