Middle Forks

We are in the middle of the story, which is often difficult. Waiting, not knowing how it will end, at least this chapter. Individually, as a fellowship, as a community,

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Powerless Fig Leaves

This week Laura Lindeman shares with us her reflections spurred from Renée’s recent teaching on “Nonviolent Atonement”. –Melissa Logsdon, NCF Associate Pastor I have always had trouble parsing the violence

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Is $1000 a lot, or a little, for a kid’s education savings account? Is $20,000 a lot, or a little, for a small, independent church?  The Reparations Pilot Project has created

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Relationships: Forgiveness

Continuing his series on Relationships, Ron Simkins shares about forgiveness. May we receive more, extend more, and grow more in forgiveness. -Renée Antrosio, NCF Pastor NO RELATIONSHIP GROWS WITHOUT FORGIVENESSIt is amazing

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You Can’t Go Back

“There’s no going back.”  “It’s never the same again.” Have you ever realized that?  Have you ever fought against this idea? With every ounce of your being? Have you ever

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