New Covenant Fellowship embraces the good news that humanity is created in God’s image- inclusive of all cultures, races, genders, and orientations. We desire that each member of the body express their God-given gifts to build up the church through participation and leadership.
Sunday Mornings
We begin worship at (or close to) 10:30 am with singing. The services last about 75 minutes with music, prayer, teaching and weekly communion at tables open to all who wish to grow closer to God.
Where we began and what we believe
The roots of NCF began in the early 1970s as a prayer and Bible study group in the home of one of our founding pastors. We “officially” became a fellowship in 1976. We aren’t a part of any denomination, but rather than calling New Covenant “non-denominational” we think it’s more accurate to refer to our fellowship as “multi-denominational.”
We are a fellowship that is centered in what God has moved forward in human history through Jesus, and in wanting to make sense of that gift in the real world today. We believe that no human being, and therefore no Christian, has it all figured out. We also believe that humans have unimaginable potential, yet will only have a chance to reach that potential through the gracious interventions of God in human history.
One of the reasons we call ourselves a fellowship rather than a church is that we’re a community of people, not a building on the corner of Randolph and White. Many families in our fellowship are multi-denominational or multi-ethnic. Many individuals who worship with us didn’t grow up in a church at all, or have had hurtful past experiences tied to religion. Being open—and accepting the realities of our diverse identities and faith journeys—makes us a community that many different people call home.
We are a community of people who:
….put loving God and loving one another above all else.
…try to honor and follow Jesus.
…want to be led by the Holy Spirit.
…believe we are called to be in community
…desire for people of all identities and ages to worship and serve together.
…pursue justice and increasing mercy
…acknowledge our need for God’s transformation in all areas of our lives together.
Building bridges
Bridges are all about connecting. At New Covenant Fellowship, the bridge has become another way to think about a covenant—God’s work to bridge the chasms in our lives and our world. The colorful “mass” sculpture that anchors our sanctuary symbolizes the creativity of God’s bridges among us. Our BRIDGE acronym articulates our vision and calling:
Biblical: seeking to understand God’s love and pursuit of people throughout time
Relational: learning how to be family together with Jesus
Intergenerational: building relationships across age groups through worship and service
Doing justice: recognizing and challenging sinful systems that divide us
Giving freely: sharing our time, talents and resources
Embracing diversity: welcoming all identities to worship and serve together
Our journey to full inclusion was charted through our 2017-2018 “Sticky Scripture Series”. All are welcome to trace that path through reading or listening to any or all of the sessions here.