Water, Wilderness, Work
Audio PlayerWelcome (Lee Ann Kelly)
Isaiah 58:6-12 (Julian & Arlene)
Audio PlayerIf I Hunger
Audio PlayerFire of God
Audio PlayerSung Psalm 25: Suzanne D’Andria
Audio PlayerPrayer (Paco Zamora)
Audio PlayerHouse of Peace (Matt & Yok)
Audio PlayerMark 1:9-15 (Gale Walden)
Audio Player“Water, Wilderness, Work” by Pastor Renée
Audio PlayerTo the River
Audio PlayerAll Who Are Thirsty
Audio Player Audio PlayerBenediction (Tim and Vonne)
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord
Audio PlayerTithes and Offerings: 124 W. White St, Champaign, IL 61820 or via PayPal (fees slightly reduce tax-deductible donation). Contact any member of the Prayer Team for prayer: Arlene, Brian, Jubal, Judy, Kathy K-G, Lehman, Nancy.