Does loving others involve a cost?
– By Jim Linder, from his teaching at NCF on January 24
In last week’s teaching I made three points: 1) God has fallen in love with humanity, 2) We are invited to fall in love with God, and 3) Loving others—whether God or our neighbor—does cost us something.
The cross is a sign of how much it costs God to love us. John (John 13.1) writes that Jesus, having loved his own in the world, was now going to show the full extent of his love—love willing to pay any cost.
I believe our ability and willingness to pay the cost of loving God and neighbor requires us to meditate and think deeply upon God’s love for us. This quote from over 800 years ago captures my belief, so I have written it in my journal and read it regularly to start my day:
“Especially cherish firm trust in God’s love: if that weakens, your longing for God sinks away, and the hidden love is soon quenched within you… But if one be only humbly submissive to the divine guidance, it will finally lead him (her) into such a divine union, that he (she) shall enjoy in this life somewhat of the bliss proper only to life eternal. May God grant that this shall happen to us all.” Fr. John Tauler O.P. +1361
I would be very interested in hearing how others find the strength and willingness to love God and neighbor with “direct action,” rather than just as an idea or concept (1 John 3:16-20).
(Unfortunately the January 24 teaching did not get recorded. If you would like access to a written copy, please let me know.)
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