God recalculates new routes for us
– By Jim Linder, based on his teaching from February 14, 2010
I was surprised by the number of positive response I received to Sunday’s teaching, when I used the illustration comparing God to a GPS device. The Scripture reference was Isaiah 30.21:
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying,
‘This is the way, walk in it.’”
The main point of the teaching was that we often make decisions in our lives that steer us to the left or the right of where God would have us be. Then, like a GPS system does, God is able to “recalculate a new route” in order to show us a new path to the destination. The ability and willingness to keep providing new routes is a testimony to God’s love, wisdom and power.
My own life story includes numerous examples of how God has provided new paths for me out of times of heartbreak, confusion and even downright disobedience.
I would be very interested in hearing the stories of others, examples of God “recalculating routes,” providing new and unexpected paths, and, in general, helping us get from here to there.