Thankfulness in community
Those of you who know me personally know that I tend to lean toward the world of theory and big pictures rather than toward the world of details and specific, practical application.
However, I want to note a few practical realities about being thankful that have caught my attention recently.
First, I have been touched by those of you who have taken the time to thank me for emphasizing “being thankful.” Your notes, calls, and emails have been very gratifying, especially since you have been sharing practical ways in which you are applying the challenge in your daily living. Way to go!
Second, thanks to those who have been sharing resources you know about. Thanks for the gift of a book and a bracelet from a sister and a brother as tangible reminders to me to be thankful every day. Thanks to the sister who sent me an electronic bibliography of some of the research being done on the topic.
Third, I could go on and on. But, what I really want to say is that many of you have reminded me that this is an idea that really is works best when it is practiced in community. Thanks to each of you for being a part of this practice. I wonder what God will do with this if we remember to keep it up! Will we see the promise of Psalm 50 incarnated among us, as this increased expressing of thankfulness makes increased room for God to be more present among us? Let’s watch to see.
Fourth, all of this has reminded me of the challenge that I believe the Lord gave to us in New Covenant Fellowship a year or so ago: to be “a community of beggars.” A community committed to “BEG”:
Building others up
Encouraging others
Gracing others