A time for fun, respite, and connection
New Covenant Fellowship has a long tradition of memory-making retreats—one that we’re reviving this August 25-26 at a new (for us) location: East Bay Camp on Lake Bloomington.
We’re looking forward to sharing 24 hours of laid back, intergenerational fun and fellowship in a beautiful spot. The timing makes it a good opportunity to pause and take a collective breath before moving into the new academic year and all that God has in store for us as individuals and as a fellowship.
While fun and respite are worthy retreat goals all on their own, there’s also something bigger that can happen when a group of people who are striving to hear and follow God gather together for more than a couple of hours on a Sunday morning. Our hope is that this retreat will offer deeper opportunities to connect or reconnect—with others in your faith community, with God, and even with yourself, and the longings of your soul.
The basic retreat details are below, and more will soon follow.
Who: All NCF family and friends, new and old
What: A chance to take a collective breath, connect with each other and God, and have fun!
Where: Beautiful East Bay Camp on Lake Bloomington (~1 hr 15 min from CU)
When: From 6pm Friday, August 25 until 7 pm Saturday, August 26
What to expect:
– A mix of planned activities and plenty of unstructured free time
– Friday evening bonfire with hot dogs, marshmallows, and singing
– Games, puzzles, cards, and coloring for adults and kids
– Beach time for swimming and canoeing
– Opportunities for small group discussions to spark connection with God
– A comfortable, air conditioned lodge reserved just for our group (with dining space, dorm-style accommodations, indoor and outdoor sitting areas, and a view of the lake)
– A grassy area for lawn games and sports
– Over 160 acres of woods, trails, and lake front
– Meals coordinated by Jason
– An affordable, flexible retreat fee
Make it happen!
- Put the retreat on your calendar
- Sign up at the Welcome Center by Sunday, August 13
- Stay tuned for further information about what to bring, carpooling, costs, etc.
Contact Paige or Kristin if you have general retreat questions and/or are concerned about costs.
I liked what Renée said in last week’s newsletter: the retreat kicks off the new year as a grand combination of conversation and intergenerational investment. It’s a chance for us to observe and celebrate God’s work and blessing in our lives together. Let’s pray, and look for ways to enable and encourage everyone to attend.