music in my ears
The birds are amazing this time of year. I love hearing them in the background of our recent Welcome and Benediction videos. I am a long way from being able to identify their calls, and am just beginning to recognize the different varieties frequenting my yard. But my ability to notice and appreciate is increasing. Overhead, the birds in the sky make their home, chirping loudly in the trees. Psalm 104:12 (CEB) But when I do my daily neighborhood walk, I substitute a different sound. Music in my ears. Starting with the Pray as You Go meditation. Then moving into worship music. I have particularly enjoyed The Porter’s Gate Justice Songs, which inspired our musicians’ new recordings. You are my secret hideout! You protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of rescue! Ps. 32:7 (CEB) Music has sustained us this long year apart. I am grateful for technology that allows us to access so much. This week I have been listening to songs of my childhood, hymns that I had forgotten, on Carrie Underwood’s new album My Savior. I’ve been surprised by the emotional chords they touch this Holy Week. This is my story, this is my song Praising my Savior all the day long I love to listen alone, but I do miss singing together, standing shoulder to shoulder. Hard to imagine when that might ever feel OK again. We are not ready. The risk is too great. But we do have the voices we love, making melodies as if we were all together. Michael Linder and the musicians keep recording; Mark Foley uploads more each week. Old favorites and new songs. Giving us a resource we never had before- New Covenant Fellowship Worship Music accessible anytime anywhere on Spotify and Apple Music. Apparently, a dozen folks in Australia are listening, another ten in Germany, ten more in the Philippines, and half a dozen in Hong Kong. With lots more in Canada and the UK, and over a hundred in the US. Mind-boggling. Who knew?! Personally, I am still working out the technology piece. Between voice memos and videos and apps and websites and virtual meetings- a lot of learning has been required this year. But the rewards have been amazing. Ain’t no bird gonna sing in my place As long as I’m alive I’ll glorify God’s holy name -Renée |
Thank you so much for this beautiful message dear pastor Renée. I’m now in Beirut & it’s not easy but NCF’s prayers & love sustain me amazingly.
I also love birds, their songs & what they represent & symbolize in terms of freedom.
Our shelter is growing. We don’t have enough space for all the women. We’re thinking of increasing its capacity.
I also love old hymns & cherish that specific one:
This is my story
This is my song…
I hope we can all sing it soon altogether
Hey NCF! I just wanted to thank you for making the Spotify channel. I will be most likely in Colorado for grad school and having these recordings makes me feel like I will have a piece of home with me. It’s my new treasure.
Thanks to the musicians who put together the music each week. So lovely to have all of this music each Sunday while we are unable to meet in person. I was totally arrested by Kennis’ “O God Will You Restore Us” March 14th. I’ve listened to it over and over again. I love it. Asha’s “Oceans” and “God’s Highway” also resonate. I love all the old NCF favorites and also the new songs like “His Kingdom Now is Come” led by Jeff. Thank you to all of you for continuing to make music.
What a tremendous gift to have NCF music at our fingertips and completely mobile. Thanks to all of our gifted musicians and vocalists that share their gifts with us.
On this “Good” Friday, Thanks to Arlene and Julian for their Seder reminder about Jesus’ sharing the seder with his disciples, to Ron for his Friday through Monday reflection, to Jeff, Brian, Kennis, Laurie, and the worship group for the music, to Gladys and Caroline for their scripture, and Patricia for her prayer.
These gifts you shared help us through the Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays of our walk with Jesus and open me up to ways Jesus is calling me to serve.