Dependence on God

My mother reflects on the ways her plans did not work out how she expected, from her university experience to the pandemic, as my daughter makes her own college choice. We depend on God as we mourn with more families affected by tragic violence. I gratefully anticipate Jeff Trask’s teaching Sunday. May the love of Jesus sustain us as we trust him with the outcome of our plans. -Renée 

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
 (Proverbs 19:21) A person’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand their own way. (Proverbs 20:24)
2020 has given me time to reflect. To consider how God has worked in our lives. The things we planned but were not able to do. The completely unexpected ways God has led us.
I wanted to go to UC Berkeley, but at UC Riverside I met Dave. We didn’t plan to get married, but we did. We started out for Alaska, but changed course for Europe. We planned to stay there, but couldn’t. We immigrated to Canada, but had to leave. We were not looking for God. But, in a tiny Montana town, He broke into our lives.
We visited a new church plant and purposed not to return. Every week God brought us back. Eventually, Dave pastored the church for 13 years. God led us to apartheid South Africa, a place we had not wanted to go. We established a multi-racial Christian school and taught there 7 years. Many came to Jesus. God brought us back to care for our parents. He had us work for an international ministry, and after 7 years, He took us out. We said we could never live in Bellevue. We’ve been here 15 years.
These things weren’t our ideas. We couldn’t do them ourselves. Difficulties abounded. Changing course was painful. But, always, over and over, God made it good. Jesus said the hairs on our heads are all numbered. He knows all about us. What’s good for us. What isn’t. How to bless us. How we are uniquely designed. When He brings a chapter of our lives to a close, He has a new one to begin. When He closes a door, He has a better one to open.
When I was young, I thought I was independent. But I can’t keep myself alive for a minute. My every breath depends on Him. We are dependent. He is dependable. Sheep need a shepherd to watch over them, care for them, guide them. We need Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
Depending, relying, trusting. Living by faith in Jesus. However, wherever He leads. That’s the best course. God’s plans for us are good. (Jer. 29:11) His will for us is good, acceptable and perfect. (Rom. 12:2)
Father God, You sent your Son for us. Thank You that we can trust You with our lives.
Jesus, You laid down your life for us. Not our will, but your will be done.
Holy Spirit, thank You for coming to us. May we be guided and empowered by You.
Gail (and Dave) Antrosio
“Toward the Other Side”
4/11 Bulletin

9 Comments On “Dependence on God”

  1. It is so helpful for me to hear from people who have gone before us and continued to trust and love God through difficulties, deviations from plans, and loss (and discovery and joy and growth). Thank you for sharing with us.


  2. Thank you Gail. I especially appreciate the references to closing and opening because it is heard for me to let go, especially if I am comfortable.


  3. Thanks for this beautiful message which uplifts my soul!!




  4. Thanks so much for sharing your mother’s story. So open, vulnerable, and powerful in its simplicity and humbleness. What a treat to hear such an honest expression of following God in the moment.


  5. Thank you, Gail. A wise and wonderful reflection1


  6. Thank you. Challenged by illness, I’m encouraged to seek God’s guidance on how I’m to live my life in changed circumstances.


  7. Dear Gail, thank you for your faithful example to me for over 25 years. It’s difficult to know where God is leading, but trusting and listening make it easier! Then we can open ourselves to ideas and solutions from the One who knows better than we do.


  8. Beautifully said, Gail, thank you!


  9. Thank you Renee for sharing your mother’s story, and thank you Gail for being willing to share it with us. You describe life the way I have lived it starting with finding out God was searching for me long before I thought of searching for God. Then finding out that every plan had an unexpected twist. Blessings!


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