survive and thrive

The signs were there, and I wanted to ignore them. Vaccinated congregants tracking the news mentioned their concern about the Delta variant. I couldn’t imagine going backwards. Masking again with friends. Retreating from the stage. Our sanctuary is one of the safest places around.

Thank God for our Leadership Team. I appreciate them so much. They pray. They listen. To God and to others and to me. I couldn’t make this decision on my own. I didn’t want to, and didn’t have to. I dragged my feet and gritted my teeth. Each one strongly concurred that we needed to pause our indoor gatherings as the pandemic reared its ugly head in our community again. 

God has the power to provide you with more than enough of every kind of grace. That way, you will have everything you need always and in everything to provide more than enough for every kind of good work. 2 Cor 9:8 (CEB)

What if I really believed this? That’s the question I imagine Ron asking. Trusting God for the provision of every kind of grace, everything I need and more. What do we need, now? How have things changed since March 2020?

My household looks very different. Our oldest will stay in Chicago. Our youngest leaves for Nashville next week. No one needs me at 6am. Our home is quiet, our yard is in full bloom, and our deck is welcoming. 

I started imagining small gatherings. Pop-up church services. Listening to online worship together outside. Fellowship, communion, prayer. Less isolation. Creative community. 

I need you
You need me
We’re all a part of God’s body

Last Sunday was an experiment. So many challenges! Technology faints in the hot, hot sun. There is safety in smaller numbers, AND I also want to find a place for everyone who wants to join. We need organization, coordination. Meanwhile, as we like to say in my family, everybody does what they want. Except that particularly in a pandemic, our decisions affect each other. 

Your ministry of this service to God’s people isn’t only fully meeting their needs but it is also multiplying in many expressions of thanksgiving to God. 2 Cor 9:12 (CEB)

This is my prayer. That through our fellowship in every iteration- individuals listening alone, small gatherings here and there, returning to full services at some point- our needs will be fully met and result in much giving of thanks to God. I am grateful. We were able to meet in person to celebrate Lorna and Donna. We experienced live music and teaching. We hugged. We will again. 

It is his will that every need be supplied.
You are important to me
I need you to survive.


One Comment On “survive and thrive”

  1. Thank you so much for the beauty, poetry, sensitivity of this message.


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