The Law (of Love)
When News-Gazette editor Jeff D’Alessio emailed pastors about the role of the church in helping solve the local gun violence problem, I didn’t respond. I am not gifted with any special insight into this area. Jeff knows a lot of leaders. Let them speak. Besides, I was working on my teaching. Three days later, he emailed again:
Pastor Renee,
If you’re up for answering even 1 of the questions, I’d love to include you in what’s shaping up to be one of the best stories, with a diverse mix of local faith leaders, on this important topic. I can still take answers anytime Saturday — a few sentences by email would be great. Thanks a million. Jeff D’Alessio
Ok, Jeff, I’ll do my best. After all, the teaching was about speaking God’s words, even when we feel inadequate. Too young. Jeremiah’s excuses. So, I considered. What do we, as the church, have to offer? Jesus said there is another way. Beyond the Law. Because the letter of the law is not enough, two thousand years ago halfway around the world, or now in Champaign-Urbana.
Today’s gospel reading assignment is Mark 5:21-43. But as sometimes happens, I opened my Bible to the wrong place, and didn’t notice that I was reading Matthew instead. Jubal brought me the News-Gazette article and the headings in my Bible stood out in red.
Law of murder
Law of adultery
Law of divorce
Law of solemn pledges
Law of retaliation
Law of love
In every case, Jesus says there is a better way. Avoiding murder isn’t enough. Anger and insults put us in danger. Coveting in our hearts causes us to sin. Rejecting responsibility in relationships hurts everyone. Our daily words should be truthful. Retaliation only increases violence so that more are injured. Jesus says that his Father, our Father in heaven, models a different kind of love.
But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who harass you so that you will be acting as children of your Father who is in heaven. He makes the sun rise on both the evil and the good and sends rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous. Matthew 5:44-45 (CEB)
Jesus cited both prayer and practical assistance. Sun and rain, so crops will grow. Our response to violence must be both spiritual and substantial. Love in word and in deed. So we partner in prayer and practicality with upcoming events focused on peace, led by the Ministerial Alliance and the Interfaith Alliance. We support organizations and ministries tending to needs for shelter, healthcare, food, jobs, counseling, and mentoring.
Therefore, just as your heavenly Father is complete in showing love to everyone, so also you must be complete. Matthew 5:48 (CEB)
Let our love become increasingly complete. Of the whole person, with all of their needs. For friend, neighbor, enemy, and stranger. Teach us, Lord Jesus, your better way, so that we too may behave as children of our Father in heaven. -Renée
So glad you let Jeff D’Alessio’s nudging prompt you to write. What you and Pastor Thomas wrote, I think, were the best, most thoughtful comments, followed closely by Michael Crosby.