One aspect of being a pastor that I love is when people are particularly moved by a poem or article, they share that experience with me. Lee Ann is always seeking, always listening. Her reflections help me on this same journey. May they bless you as well. –Renée
Last week, I received this prayer through a blog and was prompted to send to my partner Walt and to Renée:
Vulnerable God,
you challenge the powers that rule this world
through the needy, the compassionate,
and those who are filled with longing.
Make us hunger and thirst to see right prevail,
and single-minded in seeking peace;
that we may see your face
and be satisfied in you.
— Janet Morley
A day later, Renée asked if I could write about the prayer. With some trepidation, I agreed.
Deadlines do motivate. I read the prayer daily. Here is what came up for me during the course of the week–I’ve italicized any words that came from the prayer or other sources:
**Walt was struck by the first line, Vulnerable God. Did I gloss over that too easily? It reminds me of the passage I underlined in Ron’s book, “We are encouraged to risk all on our relationship with the God who loves, chooses, values, becomes deeply involved in, and delights in positive relationships with humans… This means God is more committed to good for us than God is committed to avoiding personal hurt and pain.” I had read this as God allowing our pain for our greater good…yet it also describes the vulnerable God who hurts/is pained when we suffer due to our own actions!
** A friend shared that she is actively framing her conversations with her “toxic” sibling as “opportunities to practice compassion.” That extends the compassionate challenge. Compassion for the neediness of the powerful Is how Love can overcome.
** Lectionary is James 1:17-29. What caught me is, “Those who hear but don’t do the word are like those who look at their faces in a mirror. They look at themselves, walk away, and immediately forget what they were like.” Busted! Maybe what it takes is to be different is to be filled with longing, or if I hunger and thirst to see right prevail?
**Jeff Trask’s teaching: Joseph seemed to keep the big picture, “God is in control,” always before him. Is filled with longing a description of hope? Or single-mindness which will lead us to being satisfied in you/seeing your face?”
Note I didn’t write each day– I now have a Lent challenge. Yet for the first week since I selected “Listen” as my word for this year (a practice my spiritual director recommends), I feel that I really did make progress on listening.
Lee Ann Kelly
Thank you, Lee Ann, for bringing this simple and powerful prayer to our attention. Also thanks for the reminder that Lent begins a week from tomorrow! May the Lord guide us into practices that bring us into God’s presence.
Lee Ann
Thanks for the challenges and the reminders