giving receipts

Thank you for participating in the ministry of New Covenant Fellowship through your gifts of time, energy, finances, and prayer in 2022. 

‘Tis the season for donation letters, a time to reflect on what was accomplished and be grateful for another year. Each of you is part of us. Personally, I appreciate your book/music/podcast recommendations, ideas, notes of encouragement, and updates. Welcome to the overview of our work through New Covenant in 2022!

Together we supported four local transitional housing ministries that help women, men, and families gain stability. Your donations provided healthcare, prescriptions, and groceries to those who could not otherwise afford them. We invested in after-school programs in Champaign and Mississippi that love kids through snacks, activities, and educational support. Through the Family Fund, we have paid rent, utility bills, and car repairs for loved ones in crisis. 

This fall, we were honored to exhibit The Auschwitz Experience in the Art of the Prisoners in collaboration with the Holocaust Education Center. This powerful testimony bore witness in our sanctuary for over a month while we hosted World Communion Sunday for the Ministerial Alliance, a film discussion of Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America, and the Interfaith Alliance meeting. When temperatures dropped, we collected and donated loads of winter wear for refugees and homeless neighbors. 

Our building is ready again to host events and ministries that God brings our way. Emergency shelters and food pantries have moved on to more suitable locations. Bathroom floors have been repaired, rooms painted, and fluorescent lights replaced with efficient LEDs. Our solar panels provide electricity for our use and contribute back to the grid. Please pray for opportunities to serve our community through the building we steward.

Meanwhile, our online services and recorded music minister to hundreds of people each month. We have welcomed new musicians whose energy and talent enliven our Sunday morning worship. We are excited to partner with God’s work of repairing the world in new ways through the Reparations Fund. 

All of this and more was possible through your gifts, as we listened and responded to the Spirit with open hearts and made ourselves available to God’s movement among us. May we be led into deeper relationship and service together in the year ahead. 


One Comment On “giving receipts”

  1. Thank you for your leadership. Thanks be to God being with and leading you


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