stirred up
Restore, Renew, Reinvest. It’s happening. Projects that seemed only a dream are suddenly coming together. Tuckpointing, awning replacement, painting and carpet, a plaque about our solar panels. I was surprised yesterday to open my Bible to this proclamation:
Persia’s King Cyrus says: The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth. He has commanded me to build him a house at Jerusalem in Judah. If there are any of you who are from his people, may their God be with them! They may go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the house of the Lord, the God of Israel… Ezra 1:2-3a (CEB)
How long had those in exile waited? Had some given up hope of restoration? Did the new generation believe the prophecies and promises? The photos of the original moose lodge remodeling testify to the excitement of building a place of worship together. The first generation of NCF leadership’s good work lasted thirty years. And mortar crumbles, awnings mold, carpet stains, and paint peels.
Then the heads of the families of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests and the Levites—everyone whose spirit God had stirred up—got ready to go up and build God’s house in Jerusalem. Ezra 1:5
Leadership, preparation, action. The people responded in faith. God is on the move. The time has come. Were they excited? Scared? The work can be daunting. Rebuilding requires resources. We have been waiting, saving, praying, hoping. What does participation look like in this generation?
And as for all those who remain in the various places where they are living, let the people of those places supply them with silver and gold, and with goods and livestock, together with spontaneous gifts for God’s house in Jerusalem. All their neighbors assisted them with silver equipment, with gold, with goods, livestock, and valuable gifts, in addition to all that was freely offered. Ezra 1:4,6
The miracle of provision is that God stirs our hearts to join in something bigger than ourselves. Alone, we can do nothing. Together, God can make anything possible. From generation to generation, God is faithful.
It was like a dream come true when you freed us from our bondage and brought us back to Zion! We laughed and laughed and overflowed with gladness.We were left shouting for joy and singing your praise. All the nations saw it and joined in, saying, “The Lord has done great miracles for them!” Yes, he did mighty miracles and we are overjoyed! Now, Lord, do it again! Restore us to our former glory! May streams of your refreshing flow over us until our dry hearts are drenched again. Psalm 146:1-4 (TPT)
May God stir our hearts. May we respond in faith. May we have courage to step into the work together. May we be refreshed and restored. -Renée
Don’t you just love it when something you “happen upon” in the Old Testament totally applies to the particular situation you are living at this moment today?! The Holy Spirit moves in mysterious ways, filling us with renewed confidence in the daily presence of the Lord in our lives.
Thank you for leading us with enthusiasm and passion for what God is doing and will do at NCF and in Champaign-Urbana!
Yes, Joi! I love confirmation coming from Scripture and the encouragement of God’s people!