Author: Melissa Logsdon

A Doorway into Prayer

Hello NCF family and friends! I have a personal prayer update to share with you.  After a week of increased pain around my port, heart palpitations, chest pain and shortness of breath, I ended up at the ER last Friday. The good news, I did not have a heart attack; the bad news, after multiple,

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You Can’t Go Back

“There’s no going back.”  “It’s never the same again.” Have you ever realized that?  Have you ever fought against this idea? With every ounce of your being? Have you ever tried so hard to get back to where you were before? Before…fill in the blank. It’s futile isn’t it? The diet that worked before doesn’t

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Even When

Usually when I read through Exodus, I’m whisked off into the drama playing out on the stage between Moses and Pharaoh, and all the Plagues, and all the drama of the Exodus story.  For the first time, on my recent reading of Exodus, I noticed the backstage pass we get to the very personal and

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Fasten to Glory

So much of scripture refers to the glory of God. And therefore, so many books and blogs have been written trying to explain the glory of God in a way we can grasp. I am NOT going to try to explain what many continue to try to explain. There is so much of God that

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Lent: God for Us

“Lent is about nurturing a posture that holds all things lightly…” -Greg Pennoyer This quote came from a book that I found the other day while I was perusing the books in the NCF Library. (Thank you to all who have contributed to this collection and the management of it–what a resource gem!)  If you’ve

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The God Who Sees Us

Do you ever feel unseen? By God? By others? I do. This morning as I was reading the story of Hagar, I was reminded of the reality that we are seen by God. Twice, scripture records Hagar out in the desert, in despair. Feeling very much unloved, desperate, unseen. In Hagar’s desperate situation, God meets

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Word for the Year

I used to do New Year’s Resolutions. As many resolutions go…I’d get to the end of the year and realize that despite my best efforts (or really none at all) I had not met what I THOUGHT was so important to see come to fruition in my life for that year. One year, a friend

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Joyous News

“But the angel reassured them, saying,  “Don’t be afraid, for I have come to bring you good news, the most joyous news the world has ever heard!  And it is for everyone everywhere!  For today in Bethlehem a rescuer was born for you.  He is the Lord Yahweh, the Messiah.” –Luke 2:10-11 TPT Reminder: ‭December

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Emmanuel in the Pain

Heartache in the Midst of a “Joyous Season” Confession: I love Hallmark Christmas Movies! I want to believe that even if our lives seem stressful or sorrowful, lacking in provision or love, that in the holiday season we WILL find “family”, love, and a little Christmas magic to help us along!  Even if we didn’t

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How to Neighbor

“How do you be a neighbor?” This is a question, sincerely asked, by a long time church goer, leader, and I believe, a genuine, albeit a bit confused, Christ follower. How is it that a message so central to the gospel, to all of scriptures, can be so lost, so confusing? How we so easily

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