Author: Renée Antrosio

Middle Forks

We are in the middle of the story, which is often difficult. Waiting, not knowing how it will end, at least this chapter. Individually, as a fellowship, as a community, as a nation. Somehow, remembering that we are in the middle has encouraged me. I prefer to know what is going to happen, what we should

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Is $1000 a lot, or a little, for a kid’s education savings account? Is $20,000 a lot, or a little, for a small, independent church?  The Reparations Pilot Project has created twenty education investment accounts (529s) for African-American children of our NCF family with a $1000 initial deposit, and hope to add $500 each year thereafter.

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quarks, the strong force, and freedom

Physics, mathematics, and astronomy. Not my usual subjects, and not how I would expect someone to find God. Michael Guillen arrived at Christianity by another approach, through science. In Believing is Seeing, he shares his discovery (while teaching physics at Harvard) that the Bible matched his scientific worldview better than his Atheism, and how he

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Breath Prayer

I wasn’t looking for a new way to pray. I was searching for a new way to be. The old ways- routines and ruts- were no longer working. My body, my spirit, my emotions were all telling me (loudly) that I needed to listen and attend.  In my own way, like the ancient men and

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Nothing to Fear

As a kid in Montana, camping was fun. With my sister and best friend in the forest behind our house, Peanuts the faithful collie kept us “safe” from yipping coyotes. The best was when the worship leaders took our youth group to their hunting and fishing camps before high-end clients arrived, leading us up on horseback into

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celebrate 2023

Entering 2024, we take time to reflect on what God has done among us this past year. Where have we seen God’s goodness? How have we experienced God’s faithfulness? As individuals and as a fellowship, we are called to remember and celebrate. Personally, I am preparing for sabbatical January 15-April 15, looking forward to rest and

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thus far

Last week someone asked me how much the solar panels on the NCF roof cost us. I remembered the meetings where we considered financing and down payments. Incentive programs were expiring and we didn’t know if the roof could bear the weight. Solar panels seemed beyond us. And then God worked a kind of miracle, leading

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Advent for Peace

This Advent- as we wait, prepare, and hope- we ask God to show us “another way” to be instruments of peace, ministers of mercy, and advocates for justice. So I am appreciating a different kind of Advent calendar, shared with us by Don Shay from South Africa- an Advent Calendar for Peace. This week’s readings

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Now the promise of entering into God’s rest is still for us today. Hebrews 4:1a (TPT) I have been noticing lately how much of my identity- how I feel about myself- is based on what I have accomplished each day. Every week. Year after year. God promises rest. Models rest. Invites us to rest.  So

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Praying with Creation

The last leaves are drifting downTurning to fire when they touch the groundWhen it comes to meOnce againWhat is this Love Our first hard freeze came last night. The leaves have been especially brilliant this fall, reminding me of one of our favorite Jim Croegaert songs. I am also appreciating the theme of loving God through

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