Author: Renée Antrosio

assemblies of believers

That thing we do on Sunday mornings- singing, reading scripture, praying, teaching and being taught, giving tithes and offerings, celebrating the Lord’s supper- the biblical writers wouldn’t have called this

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generosity gospel

Today’s scriptures are about money, which is both surprising and fitting, since tonight’s leadership team meeting is focused on financial stewardship. The psalmist describes a blessed life, where honoring the

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quick to listen

Making space, making time, to listen. Waiting for the Holy Spirit.  –Renée Know this, my dear brothers and sisters: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak…. James 1:19a (CEB)

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building a culture

What is Unreasonable Hospitality? The title intrigued me as I perused the public library NEW shelves. It seems like a Christian concept. A radically open table. Jesus’ inclusion of people

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good Samaritans

Rain poured down in sheets, overwhelming the windshield wipers and flooding the road. Lightning crashed, so I could see for a moment, and then darkness resumed. I crept along as

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He woke up in the dark and knew.He already knew but now Newtouched His face, moved His headslightly to the left, opened His eyes,a crack of dawn, a tiny crack

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