Author: Ron Simkins

Relationships: Forgiveness

Continuing his series on Relationships, Ron Simkins shares about forgiveness. May we receive more, extend more, and grow more in forgiveness. -Renée Antrosio, NCF Pastor NO RELATIONSHIP GROWS WITHOUT FORGIVENESSIt is amazing how many people today find it annoying when a pastor or teacher brings up the fact that we sin against God and against one another.

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Listening for Right Relationships

Thank you for your prayers for Ron’s surgery. Overall things went well and the surgeon was pleased and optimistic about the longterm outlook. Please pray for complete recovery and healing. He and his family are grateful for all your prayers. -Renée  Good Listening for Right RelationshipsI am finding it quite challenging to think about what growing in

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Covenant Loving for Right Relationships

Of all the lessons from Steve and I’s two years of theological training, the lesson on the Hebrew word chesed has always remained. We kind of laugh when we hear it, because it was SO frequently repeated in our training. But really the meaning of this word is so important to understand, I can see

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Justice key to Right Relationships

In this second installment from Ron Simkins, he delves into the biblical meaning of justice and how we can rightly carry out justice as part of how to live in right relationships, as God desires for us.–Melissa Logsdon, NCF Associate Pastor In my previous article, I suggested that the Hebrew word (and its New Testament

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Righteousness as Right Relationships

This is the beginning of a series on Relationships: Some Key Words in the Bible written by Ron Simkins. Watch for the next installment to be posted next month. –Melissa Logsdon #1 RIGHTEOUSNESS—RIGHT RELATIONSHIPS Righteousness is relating to others in a manner that allows the relationship to thrive and grow. Recently, I have been both

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4th of July

I appreciate how pastor emeritus Ron Simkins thinks deeply about complex issues, and more importantly, how he continues to seek Jesus’ leading in every area of life.-Renée PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN FOLLOWING JESUS on the 4th of July, 2023? When I don’t place my hand on my heart during the national anthem, or when

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garden questions

Renée asked me to write about something that is on my mind. Not surprisingly, since Donna’s passing into God’s next realm, and as more and more family and friends pass, wondering about God’s future is often on my mind. So, I decided to share with you a poem that I wrote over 25 years ago

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faithful realism

I appreciate Ron Simkins’ reflection below about Jesus being CREATIVELY CONSISTENT and CONSISTENTLY CREATIVE, as we consider this theme for 2023. May it inspire you as well. –Renée I find myself thinking quite a bit about Renée’s recent teaching theme: Creatively Consistent and Consistently Creative. Either Jesus was very dull and unable to notice apparent

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Yom Kippur

As our Jewish sisters and brothers observe “Yom Kippur”—the day of atonement, Ron shares a reflection based on the translations “Atonement,” “Propitiation,”  “Covering” which translate Kapher (Hebrew) and Hiliasterion (Greek). May we learn to love God and neighbor more through these words. -Renée God’s gift of atonement in both the Old Testament and the New Testament is often

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beyond the systems

A note from retired pastor Ron Simkins, with love.  -Renée Hi friends far and near. Renée asked if I would write a pastoral note about something I have been thinking about recently. As many of you know, New Covenant has always attempted to take seriously the Living God, the human Jesus, the Spirit of God

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