Observations On a Serious Hobby

I appreciate Judson Chubbuck sharing the importance of hobbies for our connection with God and wholeness as created persons. May you be inspired by his insights as well. – Renée The Heavens Declare the Glory of God    The sun, moon, planets, stars and constellations are a source of awe, wonder, and peace for me. I grew

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Middle Forks

We are in the middle of the story, which is often difficult. Waiting, not knowing how it will end, at least this chapter. Individually, as a fellowship, as a community, as a nation. Somehow, remembering that we are in the middle has encouraged me. I prefer to know what is going to happen, what we should

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Powerless Fig Leaves

This week Laura Lindeman shares with us her reflections spurred from Renée’s recent teaching on “Nonviolent Atonement”. –Melissa Logsdon, NCF Associate Pastor I have always had trouble parsing the violence of animal sacrifices and Jesus’ death.  Those acts of violence seem to make me want to run away from God’s wrath and forget God’s mercy

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Is $1000 a lot, or a little, for a kid’s education savings account? Is $20,000 a lot, or a little, for a small, independent church?  The Reparations Pilot Project has created twenty education investment accounts (529s) for African-American children of our NCF family with a $1000 initial deposit, and hope to add $500 each year thereafter.

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Relationships: Forgiveness

Continuing his series on Relationships, Ron Simkins shares about forgiveness. May we receive more, extend more, and grow more in forgiveness. -Renée Antrosio, NCF Pastor NO RELATIONSHIP GROWS WITHOUT FORGIVENESSIt is amazing how many people today find it annoying when a pastor or teacher brings up the fact that we sin against God and against one another.

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A Doorway into Prayer

Hello NCF family and friends! I have a personal prayer update to share with you.  After a week of increased pain around my port, heart palpitations, chest pain and shortness of breath, I ended up at the ER last Friday. The good news, I did not have a heart attack; the bad news, after multiple,

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quarks, the strong force, and freedom

Physics, mathematics, and astronomy. Not my usual subjects, and not how I would expect someone to find God. Michael Guillen arrived at Christianity by another approach, through science. In Believing is Seeing, he shares his discovery (while teaching physics at Harvard) that the Bible matched his scientific worldview better than his Atheism, and how he

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You Can’t Go Back

“There’s no going back.”  “It’s never the same again.” Have you ever realized that?  Have you ever fought against this idea? With every ounce of your being? Have you ever tried so hard to get back to where you were before? Before…fill in the blank. It’s futile isn’t it? The diet that worked before doesn’t

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Listening for Right Relationships

Thank you for your prayers for Ron’s surgery. Overall things went well and the surgeon was pleased and optimistic about the longterm outlook. Please pray for complete recovery and healing. He and his family are grateful for all your prayers. -Renée  Good Listening for Right RelationshipsI am finding it quite challenging to think about what growing in

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Breath Prayer

I wasn’t looking for a new way to pray. I was searching for a new way to be. The old ways- routines and ruts- were no longer working. My body, my spirit, my emotions were all telling me (loudly) that I needed to listen and attend.  In my own way, like the ancient men and

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