Lent: God for Us

“Lent is about nurturing a posture that holds all things lightly…” -Greg Pennoyer This quote came from a book that I found the other day while I was perusing the books in the NCF Library. (Thank you to all who have contributed to this collection and the management of it–what a resource gem!)  If you’ve

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A Small Grief Observed

In this week’s pastor’s note, Judson Chubbuck shares with us lessons he’s embracing in this season of grieving the death of his dog. May these lessons encourage and comfort you as you grieve big and small losses in your life. -Melissa Logsdon, NCF Associate Pastor Twenty-one years ago, we told each other, “Never again!” But

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I’ll Just Say Yes

This week’s pastor’s note comes from Jeff Trask, NCF Adjunct Pastor. I especially appreciated Jeff bringing Fred Hampton’s story to us–a 20 year old who brought together unlikely alliances to work toward justice, and ultimately gave his life for what he believed in. May you and I be willing to live and die for what

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Righteousness as Right Relationships

This is the beginning of a series on Relationships: Some Key Words in the Bible written by Ron Simkins. Watch for the next installment to be posted next month. –Melissa Logsdon #1 RIGHTEOUSNESS—RIGHT RELATIONSHIPS Righteousness is relating to others in a manner that allows the relationship to thrive and grow. Recently, I have been both

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The God Who Sees Us

Do you ever feel unseen? By God? By others? I do. This morning as I was reading the story of Hagar, I was reminded of the reality that we are seen by God. Twice, scripture records Hagar out in the desert, in despair. Feeling very much unloved, desperate, unseen. In Hagar’s desperate situation, God meets

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Planting Seeds of Reparations

Sharon Chubbuck, NCF Reparations Committee member, shares how our pilot project is planting seeds of reparations in our community. To learn more about this project, see the links attached in “Love Your Neighbor-An “Other” Way” online service. –Melissa Logsdon, NCF Associate Pastor Last Sunday, Pastor Renée invited NCF to support “Investing in African American Families”—a

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celebrate 2023

Entering 2024, we take time to reflect on what God has done among us this past year. Where have we seen God’s goodness? How have we experienced God’s faithfulness? As individuals and as a fellowship, we are called to remember and celebrate. Personally, I am preparing for sabbatical January 15-April 15, looking forward to rest and

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Word for the Year

I used to do New Year’s Resolutions. As many resolutions go…I’d get to the end of the year and realize that despite my best efforts (or really none at all) I had not met what I THOUGHT was so important to see come to fruition in my life for that year. One year, a friend

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Joyous News

“But the angel reassured them, saying,  “Don’t be afraid, for I have come to bring you good news, the most joyous news the world has ever heard!  And it is for everyone everywhere!  For today in Bethlehem a rescuer was born for you.  He is the Lord Yahweh, the Messiah.” –Luke 2:10-11 TPT Reminder: ‭December

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Emmanuel in the Pain

Heartache in the Midst of a “Joyous Season” Confession: I love Hallmark Christmas Movies! I want to believe that even if our lives seem stressful or sorrowful, lacking in provision or love, that in the holiday season we WILL find “family”, love, and a little Christmas magic to help us along!  Even if we didn’t

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