Mission Calling

“What keeps you up at night?” Besides sick kids, night sweats, indigestion, or general anxiety. Daniel Harris was talking about something else. Identifying your passion, your calling. Daniel stood out among the

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A Small Something

I’m looking for light. Searching the sky, seeking the scriptures, opening my eyes. This morning I caught some of the sunrise, with the flag at half mast. I raise the blinds,

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Remember. Fun times, happy occasions, the details of those we love. We are called to remember. Memory- for me, for most modern Americans- is an individual concept. Experiences in which we

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Spilling Over

Italy was the first place I saw a line on a wine glass, marking the appropriate pour of grappa. And I didn’t like it (the line. The grappa was fine.) Something

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Outside Our Circle

We keep worrying about the same things. Who’s on the list? (Are we? Are they??) Why wasn’t so-and-so there? Moses summoned seventy elite elders to the tent of meeting for

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Wait For It…

I like systems. Predictability frees our brains to focus on content over process. But no matter how good the concept, or how smooth the execution, every system has its flaws.

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Why Bother?

I often wonder why people go to church. Strangers, in sanctuaries I’ve never visited. What goes on inside their heads and hearts? I read the marquees as I drive by. What

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Dr. Seuss Bridge

The B begs for explanation. That, and the “mass” sculpture. What does it mean to be Biblical? Why is there a huge tangle of colors in the corner the sanctuary? The answers

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