building a culture

What is Unreasonable Hospitality? The title intrigued me as I perused the public library NEW shelves. It seems like a Christian concept. A radically open table. Jesus’ inclusion of people from all strata of society- whether on a grassy hillside multiplying loaves and fish, or in a wealthy home that he didn’t own.  Far from

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good Samaritans

Rain poured down in sheets, overwhelming the windshield wipers and flooding the road. Lightning crashed, so I could see for a moment, and then darkness resumed. I crept along as semi trucks passed, sending walls of water into my lane. What to do? I was alone on the interstate in Texas, over an hour from

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all over the world

As is my custom, I enjoyed a walk while listening to NCF’s online worship Saturday evening. Hearing the voices I love is a treasured gift while traveling. I appreciate each element, woven artfully together by Barbara’s planning and K. McGuire’s skilled labor. I am thankful for Jeff’s message; as Jackson observed on Easter, NCF teachings are

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He woke up in the dark and knew.He already knew but now Newtouched His face, moved His headslightly to the left, opened His eyes,a crack of dawn, a tiny crack of dawnspiked from the tomb door soonfootsteps and He knew his ownwould walk eternally with the others. Vern Fein

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our companions

How do we choose our friends? The people with whom you will eat, travel, suffer and celebrate. What are the most important traits? Loyalty, generosity, honesty. Shared vision, shared humor, shared passion. Who will hang with you when the going gets rough? During that time, Jesus went out to the mountain to pray, and he

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choose differently

For 16+ years, I was a school counselor. My spouse divides days between two elementaries and a middle school. My daughter attends college in Nashville, where she is studying to be a teacher. This semester she’s in Europe, working on her Spanish major, far away from American guns. The thief enters only to steal, kill,

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still working

ONLY DO WHAT ONLY YOU CAN DO.  I wonder how Jesus decided which things he needed to do and which things to leave undone. He was limited in time, energy, and availability. Jesus did not heal everyone, multiply food for every crowd, teach in the synagogue every Sabbath. How did he choose?  I’ve been thinking

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beyond regret

The amount of things that I don’t know is sometimes staggering. Practical stuff about vehicles, finances, and health. So much maintenance required! We don’t know what we don’t know. The list of things I should be doing can keep me awake at night, let alone the things that I didn’t know I should have been

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endurance training

Track season has begun! Talking with a 6th grader Sunday, I remembered the exhilaration of team practices and debating which events to choose. Long Saturdays on the bus, inevitable sunburns, and the joy of junk food at the concession stand. Some of us liked roaming the infield with packs of friends more than the actual competition. I

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the fast I choose

Today, I felt it-  the anticipation of Lent. I welcomed it in, like a familiar friend I’ve been missing. My steps echoed these pandemic Lenten journeys when I walked and walked and walked. We were forced to give up so much that I don’t remember specific choices these recent years. The gift of Lent got

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