Fear, Change, and Anointing
Opening Song: Jim Croegaert’s Is it Possible (music starts about 20 seconds in 🙂
Welcome from Renée: IMG_6545.TRIM
Jim Croegaert’s I Arise Today
Paige reading Psalm 23:
Jim Croegaert’s Held
Oceans (Asha)
Brian reading 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Audio of Renée’s Teaching: “Fear, Change, and Anointing”
Text of Fear, Change, and Anointing
Jim Croegaert’s You Have Walked with Me
Jim Croegaert’s The Lord is With Us
Before the closing song, read the Benediction with Julian & Arlene: IMG_6542
Ever-creating God,
open our eyes to see your light,
that we might pass from fear
to the new life of grace.
Accept our prayers
in the warm embrace of your compassion,
that we might find comfort
in your loving presence.
We ask this through Jesus the Messiah our Lord.
Closing Song: Jim Croegaert’s Changes