My Sun and My Shield (Psalm 84)

September 9, 2018 Download: Audio Notes


God, whose love streams
like fresh water
into the deserts of our hearts,
you turn us from greed and partiality
to healing and justice.
Make us companions of those
who long for your deliverance,
and give us safe passage
into the land of your shalom. Amen.


How lovely is Thy dwelling place (My Sun and My Shield)

by Ted Sandquist (from Psalm 84)

How lovely is Thy dwelling place
O Lord of hosts
My soul longs and yearns for Your courts
And my heart and flesh sing for joy
To the living God
One day in Your presence
Is far better to me than gold
Or to live my whole life somewhere else
And I would rather be
A doorkeeper in Your house
Than to take my fate upon myself
You are my sun and my shield
You are my lover from the start
And the highway to Your city
Runs through my heart