Our Identity
Continuous Podcast
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Welcome (Paige Weston)
O Lord Our Lord How Majestic
For the Beauty of the Earth
Green Team Summit Sharing & Prayer (Joyce Mast)
Holy Ground
Proverbs 31:10-31 (Arlene & Julian)
You Say
“Our Identity” (Pastor Renée)
I’ll Just Say Yes (Jeff Trask)
I Want Jesus to Walk With Me
I Will Trust in You
Benediction (Matt Roeschley)
God’s Highway
Tithes and Offerings: 124 W. White St, Champaign, IL 61820 or via PayPal. Contact any member of the Prayer Team for prayer: Arlene, Brian, Jubal, Judy, Kathy K-G, Lehman, Nancy.