Stock up on Oil?

November 29, 2020


I Waited

Welcome to Advent (Barbara Linder)

Psalm 80:1-7 (Ron Simkins)

Save Us O Lord

Isaiah 64:1-4 (John Brown)

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

All Who Are Thirsty

“Maranatha” (Vern Fein)

O Come O Come Emmanuel

Matthew 25:1-13 (Lizara Garcia)

Stock up on Oil?” Pastor Renée

Keep Your Lamps

We Come (Jim Croegaert)

Benediction (Vonne & Tim)

Days of Elijah

Tithes and Offerings: 124 W. White St, Champaign, IL 61820 or via PayPal (fees slightly reduce tax-deductible donation). Final week for Thanksgiving Offering specific donations include “Thanksgiving Offering” in the memo line. Contact any member of the Prayer Team for prayer: Arlene, Brian, Jubal, Judy, Kathy K-G, Lehman, Nancy.

Join us before the service at 10am for fellowship and/or after the service on a Zoom call that goes until 1:00pm. Meeting ID: 841 7162 3125;  Passcode: 730081