The Sound of Life in Common
Waiting (Jim Croegaert)
Welcome from Paige Weston IMG_1017
Victor Fein reads Acts 2:42-49
Day By Day
Kathy Kearney-Grobler reads Psalm 23
Prayer from Vern Fein
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Teaching “The Sound of Life in Common” (Kevin Hamilton)
Communion invitation from Renée: IMG_6789
Instrumental Music: Let Us Break Bread Together
Psalm 9
Share the Well
Benediction from Lehman and Cathie Waisvisz:
Jude Benediction
Tithes and Offerings: 124 W. White St, Champaign, IL 61820 or via PayPal (fees slightly reduce tax-deductible donation)
Special gifts toward installation of solar panels on NCF roof in 2020, mark with memo: SOLAR