Trust God and Take Courage

March 6, 2022

Continuous Podcast

Audio Player

3/6/22 Bulletin

O Lord, Our Lord How Majestic

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Welcome (Pastor Renée)

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Praise God for the Body (Judson & Sharon)

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Psalm 9

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Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 (Paige)

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Intercessory prayer (Jim Linder)

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O God Will You Restore Us

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Psalm 27:1-14 (Arlene & Julian Rappaport)

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“Trust God and Take Courage” (Sharon Chubbuck)

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Communion (Renée)

His Eye is on the Sparrow (Melissa Milanak)

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Lead Me to the Rock

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Sun and Shield

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You Are the Rock

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Benediction (Jubal)

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I Waited

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Tithes and Offerings: 124 W. White St, Champaign, IL 61820 or via PayPal. Contact any member of the Prayer Team for prayer: Arlene, Brian, Jubal, Judy, Kathy K-G, Lehman, Nancy.
