Celebrating Donna

Renée asked me if I would write something personal for the pastor’s note—something I have been thinking about recently. I have been thinking a lot during this strange self-isolating era. And, I will write on some of those thoughts in my future FB posts. But, I thought—OK, why not be really personal. Thank you NCF for the many ways (through the years, and now) you support Donna and me. I wrote a brief meditation in 2000, and have expanded it quite a bit recently, to honor God’s gift of Donna to me. This is as personal as I know how to be. – Ron Simkins


I could say we fell deeply in love
If it hadn’t occurred before we knew it

I could say you are a serious woman
If not for your lively dancing eyes

I could say you are a solemn woman
If not for your delight in laughing

I could say you are an independent woman
If not for your never-ending giving

I could say you are a calm woman
If not for your fierce passion

I could say you are a hard-working woman
If not for your many playful ways

I could say you are a quiet woman
If not for the thunder of your truths

I could say you loved from the first 
If not for the depths learned since

I could say you are my wife
But really, you are my life

I could say you saved me
But really, you did let Jesus help

I could say again I will love you ‘til I die
But really, forever is as far as we go                        
4/2020  – Ron Simkins

Thank you, Ron. There is nothing more beautiful or personal than this. What a gift. -Renée
Service 4/19: Living Your Best Life
Order of Service 4/19
Bulletin 4/19

5 Comments On “Celebrating Donna”

  1. So beautiful. Such is the love anyone should know. A stunning tribute to the fold cord. Thank you so much for sharing this poem.


  2. Wonderful and moving tribute


  3. She is such a precious person and your poem made me cry. xxoo


  4. Lenita Epinger Smiley

    A beautiful tribute to the most grace-filled, wise, and “E.F. Hutton woman” that I have had the privilege to know. Thanks Ron for sharing! Great thanks and LOVE to you both!!!


  5. Such a moving tribute. Thanks again for sharing.


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