true religion

I’ve been thinking about the one thing. Like, how would we describe New Covenant in one phrase? You– from whatever vantage point you have-  how would you define the commonality

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The Law (of Love)

When News-Gazette editor Jeff D’Alessio emailed pastors about the role of the church in helping solve the local gun violence problem, I didn’t respond. I am not gifted with any

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Communication 2.0

How does God speak to us? And how do we hear? Ron’s teaching prompted this discussion in the “post-service” Noon Zoom, and I found folks’ answers intriguing and encouraging. Rarely,

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in this time

There are six more weeks of Ordinary Time before Lent begins, and still I find myself anticipating. As I was looking ahead, Gale Walden sent me her poem, Ash Wednesday.

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pay it forward

Who composed the songs we love to sing on Sunday mornings? Sometimes, there’s an easy answer. Churches pay a fee to Christian Copyright License International (CCLI); we log which songs

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Dear friends,

My youngest nephew wrote me a letter. Such a fun surprise- his careful penciled printing on lined notebook paper, ending with “See you on Christmas!” and “P.S. it would be

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not alone

As we navigate the unexpected, together and apart, may we sustain and encourage each other. A poem for our time, by Jim Croegaert, to ponder. -Renée Lake Michigan, our nearbywilderness, sometimes

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“I never was keen on learning.” My favorite, too-funny quote from a young woman who grew up as a missionary kid, explaining why teaching was not her calling. She had

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