Where Bible stories meet real life

– By Ron Simkins, based on his teaching February 7, 2010 In my teaching on Sunday, I suggested that Scriptural narratives are a good place to start if you’re looking for a way to “begin again” (or for the first time) to read the Bible. The stories in the Bible are fascinating and entertaining, but

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Who is the church?

By Ron Simkins, from his teaching on January 31, 2010 In my teaching this week, I suggested that any fellowship/church that is attempting to follow Jesus must be (1) a voluntary association for participation and ministry;  (2) an open table welcoming and reaching out;  (3) an organization/institution;  (4) a community learning to apply doctrine/theology as

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Does loving others involve a cost?

– By Jim Linder, from his teaching at NCF on January 24 In last week’s teaching I made three points: 1) God has fallen in love with humanity, 2) We are invited to fall in love with God, and 3) Loving others—whether God or our neighbor—does cost us something. The cross is a sign of

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Jesus Wants Both Oneness and Diversity

– By Ron Simkins, from his teaching at New Covenant on January 17, 2010 Jesus wants oneness and diversity in the body of Christ. Is there a reason to begin again in our efforts to achieve that? As a person who grew up with almost every possible prejudice deeply ingrained in my mind and heart

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Four Reasons to Begin Again

A New Year presents hope of a new beginning, a fresh start, an opportunity to fulfill past shortcomings or enhance present conditions, or even plan for a better future. I have some thoughts about New Year resolutions for New Covenant for 2010.  We are starting a new teaching series called A Reason to Begin Again.

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When Jesus is knocking (and he always is)

This past Saturday, many of us from New Covenant had the opportunity to be “bell ringers” for the Salvation Army. The experience was enlightening (even though our pastor Jeff managed to sign us up for the coldest day of the year so far). As I rang the bell, standing just outside the grocery store door,

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Truth, science, reason & faith

We want to be a fellowship where the mind is a part of our faith and faithfulness, and where questions, wonderings, doubts, and thinking are all welcome. Below is part of an online discussion between our pastor Ron Simkins and a person with some deep feelings and some important thoughts. C: some believe in a

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The adopted, extended family of God

Laura Brennemann was our visiting speaker this past Sunday, and I was personally appreciative and challenged by her words.  Thanks, Laura.  – Ron Simkins I hope many of you were able to worship with us last Sunday and hear the teaching. Here are some thoughts and musings I had following  what Laura shared with us

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Praying that our eyes will be healed

In my teaching Sunday, as part of the series on Ephesians, I asked us to pray the following prayers so that the Lord can make us the “Body of Christ”—the vehicle for Jesus’ presence and activity in the world in a manner that reflects who he is and was. We would love for those of

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Why do you pray?

At 62 years of age, this is the first blog post I have ever written.  It feels intimidating to ponder what, if anything, I have to add to the billions of words electronically abounding in cyberspace.  When we added blog capabilities to the NCF website our goal was to provide an additional way to encourage

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